Working with Torture Survivors - an introduction for healthcare professionals
Many doctors have patients who are refugees or asylum seekers. A significant proportion of those patients will have experienced traumatic events, including torture, and have complex health needs as a result. Doctors may feel that they lack the specialist knowledge required to support this group. At Freedom from Torture we have 40 years’ experience of working with survivors of torture, supporting them to rebuild their lives.
This course is aimed at doctors providing care for refugees or asylum seekers in the UK but is available to all healthcare professionals. Each module covers a different but related topic: we recommend that you complete all 10 modules.
By the end of the course we hope you will:
- Have a greater understanding of the physical and psychological sequelae of torture
- Be able to identify vulnerable patients and know how to assess risk
- Be able to support refugees and asylum seekers in accessing appropriate healthcare
- Understand your role in documenting torture and supporting patients who are in the asylum system
- Feel more confident working with interpreters
- Be able to recognise the signs of vicarious trauma and take steps to prevent it.
Course Content
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This course material was produced by staff and volunteers from the Freedom from Torture Medico-Legal Report Service with specific contributions from:
Elizabeth Bates (Lead Doctor, West Midlands centre)
Anna Bendijk (Clinical Psychologist, North East centre)
Janine Bonnet (Lead Doctor, North West centre)
Juliet Cohen (former Head of Doctors)
Beate Dasarathy (Senior Legal Officer)
Bernie Gregory (former Lead Doctor, South East centre)
Dan Jary (Lead Doctor, North East and Scotland centres)
Agustina Oliveri (Senior Digitial Campaigns Officer)
Fran Pierre (Psychological Therapist, North East centre)
Ann Salter (Clinical Services Manager, North West centre)
Ali Siddiqi (Lead Doctor, South East centre)
Phil Spencer (Care Coordinator, North East centre)
Tara Wolfe (Head of MLR Service)
The course is free to access but we welcome donations to support our work with survivors of torture.
This course was developed with funding from BMA Giving, the BMA’s charitable arm. The content of the course does not necessarily reflect the views of the BMA.